Monday, October 6, 2008

ICT Form 4 Examination

10.10.2008 (Friday) 10.30 – 12:30 pm (2 hours)

Cover learning area 1, 2 and 3
33 questions, answer all questions.

Section A (25 questions – MCQ, Matching, TRUE/FALSE, Fill in the blanks)
1212, 1213, 1221, 1231, 1321, 1332,
2121, 2211, 2231, 2241, 2313,
3112, 3131, 3161, 3171, 3211, 3221

Section B (5 structure questions)
1121, 1122, 1123,
2241, 2311, 2312, 2321,
3111, 3121, 3141, 3151, 3152, 3212

Section C (3 structure questions)
1242, 1321, 1331, 1332
2112, 2113, 2221,
3151, 3211, 3312, 3321

Friday, July 4, 2008

Teacher's Days Greetings

Collection of Teacher's Day Greetings :

Friday, March 28, 2008

25 tips for healthy heart


Click on the picture to get a larger view of it.

The Most Amazing Picture

Click on the picture to get a larger view.

This is one of the most wonderful mails I have ever come across.

In the picture, just look at their condition...
No place to sleep, still they have made some space for a cat and dog too...
Water is pouring from the roof on the umbrella but still all of them have a peaceful smile on their face...

Simply amazing!

Post Mortem ICT SPM

The ICT Panel in SM Sung Siew had done a Post Mortem to evaluate the result of ICT in SPM 2007. The passing percentage still reminded 100% in 2007 with GPMP ( The subject average/Gred Purata Mata Pelajaqran) increased to 1.78. The strengthness that carried the improvement of the result were REVITE Programme...

The details of the Port Mortem is available here.

Certificate ICT 3765/2

How should ICT teachers report students' coursework?

There is no standard certificate format provided by The Malaysia Examinations Syndicate (LPM) to report students' achievement in their ICT coursework.
ICT teacher should take their own initiatives to create suitable certificate to report students' coursework.

This is one sample of certificate for ICT coursework 3765/2 which has modified the ISF given by LPM.

Click here to download the sample of certificate in sample_certificate_CW_ICT.doc

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Simplified procedures to install Kaspersky Antivirus

Guidelines to students and teachers

Simplified Procedures to install and configure Kaspersky Antivirus 6.0.2

Simply click to download the guidelines at

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

REVITE Programme

The ICT Panel of Sung Siew Secondary School, Sandakan has launched a new innovation for SPM ICT students named REVITE.

The purposes the REVITE are to reinforce the learning skills of ICT according to the curriculum specifications and to improve students’ achievements in the subject of ICT.

At the end of this programme, students will be able to achieve three main objectives below:
a) Give correct answers by referring to the given key word in questions.
b) Achieve an average of 80% in answering all the given tests.
c) Achieve at least grade B in SPM ICT examination.

REVITE applied four methods to achieve the above objectives. These include:
1. Peer Discussion
2. Six Revision Tests according to Learning Areas
3. One Diagnostic Test
4. Drilling Sessions

Get REVITE here:

Prepared by,
Madam Chong Fui Ha

Head of ICT Panel
SM Sung Siew

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

ICTL - Computer Lab Rules

Learning Area : Computer Lab Management
Topics : Computer Lab Regulations
Learning sub topic : 1.1 Computer Lab Rules

1.1 Computer Lab Rules
1. Pupils are prohibited to enter the lab unless authorized by the teacher.
2. Scan diskettes before using them.
3. Report all problems related to the system to the teacher.
4. Do not attempt to repair or tamper with lab equipment.
5. Be responsible when using equipment, software and facilities in the lab.
6. Do not move any equipment from its original position.
7. Do not remove or load any software into the computer.
8. Do not change the settings in the computer.
9. Save all work in external storage device and not in the computer.
10. Do not bring in bags, food and drink into the lab.
11. Turn off the computer accordingly after use.
12. Switch off all power supplies before leaving the lab.
13. Internet facility is strictly for educational purposes only.
14. Teachers should record the use of computer lab in the lab log book.
15. All users should record the use of computers in the computer log book.
16. The Lab should be kept clean and tidy at all times.

1.1 User
Teachers, students

1.2 Equipment
Hardware : PC, Monitor, Printer, Speaker, AVR, UPS.

1.3 Data and User Security
Login user name:
Login password :

Activity 1 (Short Drama)

In group of 2 to 4 students,
Perform a short drama that practice the computer lab rules and regulations by using any available equipments in the computer lab.

Activity 2 (Quiz)
List 3 actions which you have to do when you use the computer lab.

Activity 3 (Take Home Activity)
1. Draw a poster about computer lab rules.

Friday, February 15, 2008

ICTL-Types of Log Books

1.3 Logbook

Students’ log book: This log book needs to be filled in by all students when they use computer in the computer lab. This log book keeps track of the misuse of computer. It contents date, student’s name, form/Class, log-in time, log-out time, purpose and signature.

Teacher Log Book: This log book needs to be filled in by every teacher who uses computer in the computer lab. This log book records the use of ICT equipments in teaching and learning by the teachers. It contents date, name of class, teacher’s name, log-in time, log-out time, software/hardware used and signature.

Maintenance log book: This log book is used by the teacher to record all the disorder of hardware or computers in the computer lab. This is a record uses to request computer maintenance. The maintenance log book consists of date/time, teacher’s name, hardware info (type, series no, inventory no), justification of problem, date and remarks when problem has been solved.

Students’ seat plan: This is a form uses to record the sitting position of students in computer lab. It uses to keep track of the misuse of computer.

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