Monday, September 28, 2009

Lucky Numbers for ICT Form 5

To: All ICT Form 5 students

These are Lucky Numbers for your Final Year ICT Examination 2009

Section A :

1112, 1121, 1211, 1331, 2111, 2141, 2211, 2231,

3111, 3112, 3131, 3141, 3211, 3212, 4111, 4131, 4211, 4231,

5121, 5122, 5154, 5211, 6111, 6141, 6211, 6232, 6242.

Section B :

1212, 1221, 2131, 2241, 4241, 5211, 6311

Section C :

4141, 4331, 5211, 6132, 6133, 6212

"To succeed you must first improve

To improve you must first practice

To practice you must first learn"

Wish you all the BEST for your ICT examination & coming SPM.


Madam Chong

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